Conference proceedings

The detailed instruction how to prepare the abstract for the Book of Abstracts and the paper which will be published on a CD-ROM can be downloaded as the PDF-document instruction.pdf. LaTeX (LaTeX2e) users can use the template file instruction.tex with the additional files extarticle.cls and size9.clo (see notes below). The template files for Open Office (version 2.0) and MS-Word users can be found in instruction.odt and instruction.doc, respectively.

The complete abstract including figures, tables and references should have exactly 2 pages. The paper must not exceed 10 pages. The proceedings will be published in Portable Document Format (PDF). The authors are responsible for translating their papers to PDF. To fit on one CD-ROM the paper PDF file cannot be larger than 2.0 MB. Abstracts and papers which will not satisfy the formal requirements listed in the instruction will not be accepted and will be returned to the authors. If you are not clear about any of the instructions or would like to get further information on formatting, please contact the organizers. The papers will be published without any changes.

The abstracts and papers can be submitted to the conference organizers in one of the following ways:

Publishing agreement

Papers must be accompanied by a signed publishing agreement form.

We would be grateful if the authors would confirm their acceptance by signing and returning the publishing agreement.

The publishing agreement can be downloaded as a PDF-document.

Please return the agreement by mail or by fax before April 1, 2007 to the conference address.

Abstracts and papers will not be published unless the publishing agreement is signed and returned.

Some hints for LaTeX users:

Please use option [H] in the `figure' environment as below, if you include a figure to a column:


This option can be activated if you use package `here'. So the following line is needed in the preamble:


One can convert directly a TEX-file to a PDF-file using the following command (PNG, JPG, GIF, PDF images can be included):

	  pdflatex file_name.tex

Other possibilities are (the second one from below two is recommended, EPS graphics can be included):

	  latex file_name.tex
	  dvipdf file_name.dvi file_name.pdf
	  latex file_name.tex
	  dvips -Pcmz -Pamz file_name.dvi -o
	  ps2pdf file_name.pdf

When you use one of these ways of conversion, please replace the line


