Transport to Spała

Important! Special transport to Spała!

On Monday, June 18, three special mini-buses will be waiting for CMM-2007 participants at the Arrivals TERMINAL of Warsaw airport.

Departures are scheduled as follows:
13.30 (1.30 PM)
15.30 (3.30 PM)
19.30 (7.30 PM)

Dear Participants,

Please let us know as soon as possible if you plan to profit this possibility and indicate the departure time the most convenient for you.

Please note, that we are able to optimise the time of departure but this is strongly depending on the information we have received from you!

We would like to estimate the number of passengers in the planned buses.

DETAILS of the SPECIAL TRANSPORT from SPAŁA to WARSAW will be precisely decided on the second day of the conference, according to the best convenience of the participants.

Transport from Tomaszów Maz. to Spała

Buses operated by PKS Company are available from Tomaszów Mazowiecki from Spała.
The buses start from Tomaszów Maz. at: 7:10, 8:55, 9:25, 11:25, 12:00, 12:55, 13:40, 14:45, 15:25, 15:55, 17:10, 17:45, 19:25, 19:50.